Sunday, 31 March 2013

Another fun project, I created  this cartoon illustration  for  a Cd cover commissioned by De Wolfe Music. I believe the Cd consists of musical fun sound bites used mainly in  TV and commercial radio advertisement production . The brief was to create a young lively bunch of musicians playing all the instruments sampled on the Cd having a blast.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Mr Moonshine

This was a fun job to do, a website header commissioned by an online drinks delivery company. Nice change from caricaturing to actually do some character designs. Quite a challenge though to incorporate the two very different lifestyles and landscapes in one picture. From the moonshine hillbillies in the mountains to the Al Capone style gangsters in the city plus the company name had to be introduced into the scene as well. Not the easiest artwork to create but loved the process of  dreaming this one up.
 Here's the image in sections so you can see it in more detail.